Sunday, 28 September 2014

£20 shopping list - Preperation

Being a student, as you are aware i'm sure, means that i'm on a strict budget. I did a little research and was shocked to see some of the statistics from a recent study looking at how increasing student debt is affecting their lifestyles. 

This study below found that students on average spend £20 a week on food, 74% saying they only cook from scratch for one meal a week.

This is a scary statistic in my present eyes, but in my past undergraduate eyes i'd say this probably looked surprising but for the opposite reasons. I don't think I even cooked one meal from scratch each week. From my experience this was due to laziness, lack of knowledge and convenience. I'm here now to try and provide other students who need a little helping hand the resources to eat clean and healthy on a budget.

When it comes to eating healthy this can be a challenge in itself, but when it comes to eating clean i'm beginning to realise its more challenging than I had originally thought. However, with a little help from the ever growing Eat Clean online community i'm getting there and actually rather enjoying myself.  

So I have decided to take on the challenge and create a meal plan, shopping list and eat a weeks worth of meals for the student budget of £20.

It's evident that shopping for a week on £20 is not going to be easy, so firstly i'm going to have to do a bit of preparation:

1. Plan my weeks meals.
2. Make a shopping list
3. Go shopping and STICK to the shopping list
4. Make sure I ave enough containers/jars/tubs/foodbags to freeze extra portions.

It's a Sunday evening and Magic Mike is on Channel 4 so this seems like the perfect time to plan my meals for the week and write my shopping list. I will post both of these tomorrow once I have successfully (said with everything crossed) been shopping and purchased my weeks food.

Wish me Luck :)

Remember It's Your Mind, Your Body, Your Choice

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