Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Intimidated by the gym????

Gym Intimidation

So, I don't know about you but there are so many times when I feel intimidated by the thought of the gym. 
Thoughts run through my head such as, people are gonna laugh at me because i'm so out of shape, people will look and think she hasn't got a clue what she's doing, someone will want to use the machine i'm on and get annoyed, It can literally be an endless list.

Recently, I have just got back into a regular routine of going to the gym, and i'm glad because it's only been a coupe of weeks but i'm already starting to see the changes :)!!
However, one of the big hurdles was getting back the confidence I apparently lost, i'm not 100% there yet but definitely feeling more comfortable.

It sounds ridiculous doesn't it, being intimidated by the gym, but I have begun to realise lately that it's more common than I thought. This makes me a little sad because it will mean some people will just not go and therefore not feel the amazing benefits due to this intimidation. So I thought i'd write a post to share my thoughts and how i'm managing to overcome them.

I used to work out a lot about 5 years ago and was in pretty good physical shape. I never felt intimidated in the gym (except for that first day when I met the instructor and he put my mind at ease) I always felt like it was ok to be there and that I was just doing my own thing, in my own little world I guess. This lasted about a year, and then for some life reason I fell out of love with the gym and evidently lost a lot of the physique and fitness I had gained.

Several (failed) attempts at getting back into the gym followed over the years. Each time I noticed I became more and more intimidated by going to the gym, the equipment, my form, what exercises I should be doing, I've got fat and look silly, you don't know what your doing, your so unfit its just pointless even trying, etc, etc, etc!

In reality, I do know what i'm doing. I have the knowledge I gained from working out in the past with an instructor and the training programmes he used to write for me. I know they work, I just need to find the confidence to stick to them...because I can do anything I put my mind to.

That's when it dawned on me, the more I allow the gym to intimidate me the more all these thoughts will become true and nothing will change.
Each time I go I have to go through the same thought process...you will only get fitter, healthier, better, more confident if you go to the gym. 
What I had to do was just dig deep and walk through those gym doors and think you can do this
And, if I am unsure of how to do something I just have to ask someone, the instructors are really nice and helpful- after all its what they are there for!!

If i'm honest, no-one else there cares anyway, they are there doing there own thing and probably not paying any attention to me anyway. And even if they are, who cares? This is My journey, My fitness, My health, I'm here for me not what anyone else thinks of me!

So, just go in there and own that place. The more often you go, the more comfortable you will become. The fitter you will get, the better you will get, the more confident you will become.

Remeber. It's Your Mind, Your Body, Your Choice!!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Roasted Sweet Red Pepper & Tomato Soup

Recipe for My Roasted Sweet Red Pepper & Tomato Soup

I've never made a soup before, however with the cold nights drawing in and the thought of getting in from Uni after a long day and cooking not sounding so appealing I thought i'd give it a go.
I'm so glad I did, this is amazing, even if I say so myself :p!!!

It is really easy to make and once cooled just poor it into some Tupperware and put it in the freezer ready for those days when you need a little bit of a warm hug in a bowl :)


3 x Sweet Red Peppers
1 x Large Red Onion
12 x Ripe Tomatoes 
Olive Oil to drizzle
Salt & Pepper to season
500ml Stock (I used Bouillon Powder)


1. Heat the oven to 200 degrees
2. Chop the onion, red peppers and tomatoes into chunks and place on a baking tray
3. Drizzle with Olive Oil
4. Season with Salt & Pepper
5. Toss it all together & then evenly spread out on the tray
6. Roast in the oven for 30/45 minutes, it can vary so check & when slightly charred they're done
7. Once done take out of the oven and prepare your vegetable stock, follow the pack instructions
8. Now all you need to do is put it into your food processor until its to the consistency that you like

Here's the roasted vegetables once they had come out the oven, they smelt amazing!!!

The recipe made a lot of soup, I managed to get enough for 4 x 250ml tubs and 3 x 150ml tubs plus my supper for that night.

There's also my Leek & Potato Soup in the photo there, recipe will be up on blog soon!!

Happy Souping :)

Remember, It's Your Mind, Your Body, Your Choice!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Protein Balls Recipe

Protein Balls - A Quick Post-Workout Refuel

I was beginning to have a few issues with post workout eating as sometimes I just don't have time to ensure I eat something immediately post workout. 

Reading around lots of people suggested protein bars/balls! There are some great ones out there like the Trek Bars, Bounce Balls or even the +Myprotein range to name just a few. You can go to most supermarkets nowadays and find them or to your health food shops or online. But as always penny's are few and far between, so as yummy as they all get reviewed they ted to be on the slightly expensive range for me.

Ergo I decided to make my own :) and boy am I glad I did, for a fraction of the cost they are gorgeous!!!!!!!


1 Cup of Oats 
2 scoops of protein powder (personal preference +Myprotein Natural Vanilla  Impact Whey)
1/3 Cup of Honey
1/3 Cup peanut butter (i used @MeridianFoods Crunchy peanut butter)
Designated Coconut for a slight covering


Simply put all ingredients (except coconut) together in a bowl
Fun part using your hands mix it all together until well combined
You may need to dd more honey if its not quite binding as you want (drizzle slowly small amount goes far)
Then break off an amount you desire (usually enough to make an inch size ball) and roll in your hands until smooth and round!
If you wish roll in some designated coconut and store in an airtight container!!

This made 8 for me but it depends what size you want them!!

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have Post Workout, let me know what you think :)!!

Remember, It's Your Mind, Your Body, Your Choice!